How to build a summer shower with your own hands

How often should you shower?

Showering several times a day is not as good an idea as you might think.

Beneficial bacteria live on the surface of the skin. They synthesize natural antibiotics and fight harmful bacteria. At the same time, natural antibiotics are safer and more effective than traditional conventional antibiotics, because microbes cannot quickly develop resistance to them.

Constant washing, especially with aggressive detergents, shaving and scrubbing erases beneficial bacteria and undermines the skin's protective system.

What is healthier – a bathhouse, a bath or a shower?

Author Editorial Board Pravda.Ru

09.01.2008 19:23

Health » Health and prevention » Prevention

In those distant times, when there were no hospitals, no clinics, no hospitals, our ancestors widely used their knowledge of nature, including the properties of the elements. Much was connected with the element of water. Until now, the properties of water have not been properly studied (no matter what venerable scientists say).

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Here is a small example of such “lack of research.” This incident was described repeatedly in the press: a sealed ampoule accidentally fell into a water tank in a biological laboratory. A well-sealed ampoule with the strongest poison. The ampoule was taken out. We carefully checked the chemical composition of the water, everything turned out to be normal. Then they fed laboratory mice this water. And they all died... What's the matter? No one has been able to clearly and easily answer this question until now. Scientists encountered those properties of the element of water that “serious” science had never thought of studying.

During his lifetime, the famous bioenergy therapist and folk healer from Arkhangelsk Sergei Gagarin expressed his view on the problems of water and health especially for Pravda.Ru.

— Yes, the properties of the elements were used by our ancestors. Three of them are used in the Russian bath. This is information radiation (the element of fire), which destroys information structures, and high temperatures destroy pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Steam (the element of water) washes away and accumulates information structures, plus the understandable hygienic properties of water are used. The shelves in the steam room were built exclusively from aspen, in which the property of the element wood was most clearly manifested - blocking information about pathologies.

In Rus', baths were built on the banks of a lake or river not only because of the proximity to water for recruitment. The banks of reservoirs are usually overgrown with trees, bushes, and grass. And a person, leaving the bathhouse, nourished his body with their structures, harmonizing himself with the surrounding nature. And when leaving the city bathhouse, what does a person harmonize with? With a destroyed ecology, with a polluted atmosphere, with mutilated vegetation. Where do you get health from?

A person taking a bath cannot achieve the same effect as in a bathhouse - because, although high temperature destroys negative information structures, they are accumulated by water, and the person continues to be in a “broth of negativity.” In order to complete information cleansing and wash away the remnants of negative information structures, a flow is used, in this case a flow of water (soul), since any flow destroys them. For example, in the North, people live at very low temperatures, remaining healthy, but often get sick due to drafts in the summer (a draft is an air flow). PC. Ivanov, for example, did not consider it necessary to explain the healing methodology to his adherents. He gave them 10 commandments, the literal fulfillment of which leads to healing, but failure to fulfill at least one leads to a violation of the entire system. Apparently, he could have reasons why he did this...

If we switch to the language of “specifics”, then we can, with a sufficient degree of approximation, formulate the degree of usefulness of “water procedures” as follows. It is difficult to doubt that the most effective way to bring the systems of the human body into unity with the outside world, and therefore the most useful, is a Russian bathhouse, which is not located in the city, but, so to speak, in the natural environment - in a village, in a country house, and so on. Taking a bath is necessary for washing as such, for warming up, for rest, for relaxation, for relieving stress, and so on. But don't forget to take a shower after your bath! You will remove from yourself the “information soup” in which you swam in the bath. In any case, a shower is a flow, which in this case should be considered as positive.

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Ecology topics

Before taking a shower

  • Dry massage. Before jumping into the shower, scrub dry skin with a brush or special sponge. Dry rubbing exfoliates dead cells, deeply cleanses, improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. As a result, it is easier for toxins to find an “exit door”, cellulite is reduced, and the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases. Remember that brushes should be made of natural materials, dry and soft. Don't rub your skin.
  • Comb your hair. Uncombed hair will become even more tangled during washing. And trying to comb wet hair will only damage it. Wet hair is most vulnerable. Therefore, comb your hair well with a soft brush before taking a shower.
  • Treat your heels. If you don't want to walk around with rough heels for the rest of your life, skip the pedicure in the shower. The skin should be dry. Treat your heels before showering.

Types of camping showers

Depending on the type of construction, all existing types of showers can be divided into several types:

  • Portable cabins with tanks;
  • Portable containers without cabins;
  • Pumps with shower heads.

Below we will take a closer look at all of the above types of devices.

Camping cabins

The camp shower cabin is a collapsible structure, covered with an awning similar to a tourist tent. This option is an excellent choice for people who like to spend a long time relaxing in nature as “savages”. In addition, camping cabins have become widespread among summer residents who visit their countryside in the summer.

As a rule, such cabins are equipped with tanks of 20 liters or 40 liters. Some models are equipped with a pump for pumping water into a container from a source, for example, a bucket or even a pond.

Most often, water in the tank is heated naturally, i.e. using solar energy, or the container is filled with pre-heated water. True, you can find tanks with electric heating on sale. They are more comfortable to use, but their disadvantage is their energy dependence.

Camping shower cabins usually weigh 2.5 - 3 kg, and when assembled the product takes up little space, which is especially important for travel enthusiasts.

Advice! When choosing a camp cabin, you should pay attention to its equipment. Often the product comes with a clothing mat and other accessories.

Portable containers

Portable shower tanks are the simplest devices, which consist of only two main elements:

  • A 25 liter tank, usually soft, made of PVC.
  • Hose with sprayer.

To use such a device, you only need to hang it with your own hands on a tree, pole, or secure it in a booth. It should be noted that portable containers also come with or without a water heating function.

As for the tank volume, as a rule, 20-25 liters is enough for one person to bathe. The advantage of such products is their low price and minimal dimensions.

Shower pumps

A distinctive feature of these products from the shower systems described above is that they do not require installation of a container at a certain height, since water is supplied to the watering can using a pump.

It should be noted that these systems come in two types:

  • Electric, powered by 12V
    – the products were originally intended for motorists, so they can operate from a cigarette lighter. The design is a small electric pump with a watering can. Any bucket, canister or barrel can be used as a water container.
  • Mechanical (“treadmill”)
    - this camping shower is a rubber mat with two built-in pumps. During the bathing process, a person steps from foot to foot, causing the water to come out under a certain pressure. The advantage of such a system is energy independence, however, such a device is less convenient to operate.

Note! The operating instructions for a car shower assume its use from the cigarette lighter with the engine running. Otherwise, the battery may be discharged.

In the photo - mechanical shower “treadmill”

In the shower

How to shower properly

Correct order

It would seem that it would be difficult to take a shower. However, this simple matter has its own subtleties. First of all, this is a competent procedure.

  • Wash your hair, pat dry and apply conditioner.
  • Wash your face and brush your teeth. During this time, the air conditioner will have time to work.
  • Rinse off the conditioner and pull your hair up.
  • Wash your body.

This order guarantees maximum cleanliness. No leftover toothpaste, shampoo or conditioner. Additionally, any leftover shampoo, conditioner, or hair mask running down your back can clog your pores and cause acne. Therefore, it is important to wash them off properly.

Temperature extremes

Temperature extremes disrupt the epidermal barrier and skin pH, provoke dehydration, damage capillaries, provoke rosacea and worsen inflammation (especially acne).

The common belief that hot water opens pores and cold water closes them is nothing more than a myth. The pores do not have muscles that can open and close them. In addition, hot water destroys the lipid barrier (literally “washes” it away). This leads to dehydration, dryness and at the same time increased production of sebum.

The best option is water at room temperature. And the best thermometer is your elbow. He should be comfortable. The water should not burn your elbow, and should not be cool.

Gels instead of soap

Comfortable pH of healthy skin is from 4.7 to 5.7. A regular bar of soap has a highly alkaline pH of 9 to 11.

Alkali irritates the skin, increases bacterial growth and leads to dryness, dehydration and endless acne. The “threshold of tolerance” for body skin is higher than for facial skin, but it is still better to avoid soap.

Instead of soap, choose soft shower gels and synthetic detergents with a pH of 5-6.

Interesting: Dove soap is not actually soap, but a synthetic detergent with a neutral pH. There is only a form of soap in it.

Your body wash should not contain the word sulfate on the label. Instead, look for mild surfactants, for example: cocamidopropyl betaine, sodium cocoate, sodium cocoamphoacetate, lauryl glucoside.

Ideally, the pH of products for dry skin will be slightly more alkaline (5-6), and those for oily skin will be slightly more acidic (4-5). To even out the pH balance of the skin and bring it to a healthy level (about 5).

Antibacterial shower products

Do not use antibacterial products every day unless prescribed by a dermatologist to treat a specific problem. Antibacterial agents drive away not only harmful bacteria, but also beneficial ones, and there is no need to use them without a serious reason. To keep your skin clean, it is enough to competently use a good shower gel.

Wash away without a trace

Rinse off your body wash thoroughly with plenty of water. There should be no traces of surfactants left on the skin. No fluffy pieces of foam behind the ear. Residues of even the mildest cleanser, remaining on the skin, destroy the protective barrier and lead to dryness, clogged pores, inflammation and irritation.


If dry exfoliation with a brush is not your option, use a salt or sugar scrub while showering. They will deeply cleanse the skin, improve microcirculation, saturate with minerals and nourish.

Salt scrub is an excellent choice after long holidays, before body wraps and for oily skin. If your skin is dry and “begging for care,” choose a sugar-based scrub. For sensitive dry skin, try oil scrub bars. They contain a lot of saturated fatty oils and few scrubbing particles. Therefore, they exfoliate very delicately while providing intense skin care.

Generally, body skin needs exfoliation more frequently than facial skin. However, you don’t have to be overzealous and exfoliate every day. Once or twice a week is enough for smooth, soft skin.

Shaving is also exfoliation. Therefore, scrub your legs carefully and try to space shaving and scrubs on different days. If you plan to exfoliate and wax on the same day, scrub first, then shave. This way you will minimize the risk of ingrown hairs.

Cool rinse

If you have rosacea (pronounced spider veins), weak blood vessels, or the skin tends to become very red from warm water, rinse with cool water at the end. It will help narrow blood vessels that have dilated from steam and hot water.

Sponges and washcloths

Over time, dead scales, dust, and detergent residues accumulate on washcloths and sponges. Especially on washcloths made from loofah and other natural materials. In such conditions, and even in a humid environment, bacteria happily multiply, and this is a direct road to acne and irritation.

Be sure to dry sponges and washcloths well after use and change them promptly - at least once every 6 months.

Shower options in the country

Today, several methods are actively used to solve the problem of how to make a shower in a country house. They require different levels of funding and the amount of labor required. The most popular options are:

  • detached building. Quite often, a cabin or trailer is used to install showers and toilets. Ensuring a serious level of comfort is extremely problematic. It is better to paint with silicone paint: ;
  • lightweight design. A budget solution that allows you to install a shower in a country house without running water. To do this, a frame is constructed, which is covered with plastic or some kind of waterproof fabric. A water tank is mounted in the upper part, which is naturally heated in summer;
  • capital building. The construction of a separate full-fledged structure with the installation of a foundation and other general construction work is being carried out. In this case, water is supplied either from a water supply system, or in the same way as in the case described above - from a special container;
  • shower inside a country house. This option is possible if the placement of such a room is planned initially, that is, it is taken into account when designing the building.

Any of the listed ways to arrange a shower in a summer cottage has many varieties. Domestic craftsmen are extremely inventive, so there are other options for solving the problem.

After shower

  • Blot, don't rub. After showering, gently pat your skin dry with a towel. Don't rub. Blotting removes moisture without damaging or stretching the skin. This is especially important for dry and sensitive skin. Change towels 1-2 times a week. And if you are tormented by constant acne - even more often.
  • Moisturize your skin. Immediately after your shower, while your skin is still damp, apply a thick layer of chocolate cream to lock in as much moisture as possible and prevent dehydration.


If ready-made designs don’t suit you with their capabilities, if you don’t want to spend money on purchasing them, or if you’re just itching to do everything yourself, then there’s really nothing complicated here.

To create a trampler shower with your own hands you will need:

  • Scheme
    Two pieces of garden hose or flexible tubing of suitable diameter.

  • Shower Head.
  • Car pump - “frog”.
  • Water container with a wide sealed lid.
  • Insulating tape.
  • Optionally - a faucet for the hose.

The total cost of the structure is unlikely to seem large.

Hose, 4 m200 RUR
Shower Head350 RUR
Tap200 RUR
Pump400 RUR
Insulating tape20 rub.
Total1170 RUR

Finding a suitable pump for pumping liquid in everyday life is not so easy, so we will pump air, and accordingly the design changes somewhat.

Two holes are made in the lid of the container for the hoses - neat round ones so that the tubes fit tightly into them.

Pump diagram
One piece of hose is connected to the pump, and the other end is inserted into one hole. The second section is equipped with a shower head, its other end is inserted into another hole and lowered to the bottom of the container.

To prevent the tubes from popping out due to pressure and to minimize air loss from the container, electrical tape is wound around the tubes. The electrical tape should be on the inside of the lid so that it is pressed against the hole.

The principle of use is simple - pump air with your foot, the air enters the container and displaces water into another hose. You can ask a vacation buddy to pump you up, or even use an electric compressor. But you should not take a particularly powerful one, so that excess pressure does not cause the container or hose to rupture.

If you additionally place a tap on the water hose, you can shut off the supply and accumulate pressure in the container. But when using electric pumps, this should be done carefully.

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