DIY sauna made from gas silicate blocks

Gas silicate blocks are currently in great demand in the construction of various types of structures, including baths. They are widely used in their projects by both construction companies and private developers. Gas silicate belongs to the class of new generation materials that are manufactured using modern technology, therefore it has universal properties. A bathhouse built from gas silicate blocks will be a reliable and durable structure, and in terms of safety, comfort and design, it is not inferior to other types of bathhouse structures.

Modern designs of baths made of gas silicate blocks

Projects of modern baths provide for many useful functions of the future premises: attic, utility room, veranda, relaxation room, and may also have a swimming pool. If desired, you can develop combined bath projects from gas silicate blocks, not limited to just one function.

Project of a bathhouse made of gas silicate blocks

Modern design of baths with your own hands includes not only the construction of the building itself, but also the improvement of the adjacent territory. Such additions include an outdoor pool, fountains, decorative fences and much more.

The construction of a bathhouse from blocks of gas silicate material is a progressive solution that will significantly save money and help complete the work in the shortest possible time with high quality indicators.

Steam room

The interior decoration of aerated concrete bathhouse begins with the steam room. This room will need additional insulation. It is not recommended to use polystyrene foam for these purposes - this material has a low level of environmental friendliness. Mineral wool is also not worth taking. Its use is allowed in extreme cases.

Taking into account the above, it is better to use foam glass for finishing the steam room. Its properties resemble polystyrene foam.

But there is one important difference: when exposed to high temperatures, glass does not become toxic. Foamed glass comes in the form of small tiles

In order to cover the steam room with them, you will need tile adhesive. It is also used as putty. There is no need to apply the glue in a thick layer, since the top will be covered with clapboard

Foamed glass comes in the form of small tiles. In order to cover the steam room with them, you will need tile adhesive. It is also used as putty. There is no need to apply the glue in a thick layer, since the top will be covered with clapboard.

Features of designing buildings made of gas silicate blocks

Gas silicate blocks are a very lightweight building material. If we compare it with other building materials, it does not put a large load on the foundation. Such characteristics make it possible to implement bathhouse projects made of gas silicate blocks on problematic marshy soils. In terms of savings, this is also very profitable. The lightness of gas silicate blocks allows the construction of a lightweight foundation. For comparison: massive foundations will have to allocate 1/3 of the total construction cost.

The frost resistance reserve of this material has 200 cycles. And if you correctly follow all the waterproofing technology, you can build a bathhouse from gas silicate blocks with your own hands even in critical northern conditions.

The next reason, which is also important in the bathhouse project, is that the block product lends itself well to processing. It can be sawn into blocks of the required sizes, drilled, stabbed, used as decorative elements, etc.

The cost of bathhouse projects made from blocks of gas silicate material, including the entire construction process and other necessary work, is an order of magnitude lower than the construction of such a structure made of wood or brick. Therefore, realizing their plans to build a bathhouse from a gas silicate block became an excellent opportunity for those people who previously could not afford such construction.

Stages of internal insulation

Regardless of the material from which the bathhouse is assembled, the general vulnerability of the blocks is their high hygroscopicity. In severe frost conditions, moisture-impregnated raw materials are easily destroyed. In winter, after heating, the room cools down, no one monitors the temperature inside, and the frost resistance resource will quickly be exhausted. Therefore, it is important to ensure high-quality insulation inside and outside in order to neutralize the impact of changes and ensure the safety of the building resource.

Regardless of the specifics of the blocks, a single internal cladding technology is used.

This is the first stage of insulating the bathhouse. General sequence of work:

  1. The soil base is covered with glass wool, slag or expanded clay. To achieve an optimal level of heat retention, you should create a layer at least 35 cm thick.
  2. Next, the expanded clay concrete screed with reinforcement is assembled.
  3. A floorboard is sewn on top or ceramic tiles are mounted.

If you plan to install a concrete floor, the following guidelines for action are relevant:

  • the rough concrete pad is equipped with coating or roll-type waterproofing;
  • The next layer is to lay the insulation directly - mineral wool, polystyrene foam, expanded clay. The optimal thickness of the bookmark depends on the physical properties of the selected option;
  • To create a ventilation gap, plastic screens are introduced and covered with reinforcing mesh on top. The latter should be hidden under a concrete screed.

The final stage here is the laying of ceramic tiles; if desired, you can finish the concrete base with wood material. This method of strengthening the foundation minimizes heat leakage.

For arranging wooden floors, experts recommend:

  • create a subfloor by equipping the lower perimeter of the beams with cranial bars;
  • fill the top with cheap wood adjusted to size;
  • the subfloor must be equipped with vapor-tight waterproofing. The film should cover the entire area with an allowance of 20 cm on the walls. Fixation can be done using a construction stapler; to strengthen the joint area, you will need double-sided tape;
  • You need to lay thermal insulation on top and cover it with film or roofing felt.

What needs to be taken into account in the design of an attic bathhouse

  • A bathhouse made of gas silicate blocks with an attic has a distinctive feature in that its roof is not made cold, as in conventional projects, but is specially prepared for relaxation in the winter. You can use this material for the construction of an attic without any risks, since due to its lightness, as noted above, it can be used to lay out anything.
  • When independently designing an attic bathhouse made of gas silicate block material, you should take into account the fact that after laying the floor slabs, there are unclosed areas. They can be covered on one side with sand-lime bricks, and on the other, a narrow gas silicate block can be laid. Thermal insulation material should be used between the brick and the slabs.
  • The optimal height of the side walls is 1.5 m or 6 rows of blocks. The height of the future pediment must be noted in the project. For windows, a height of 90 cm from floor level is suitable.

    Construction of walls from gas silicate blocks

  • In addition to windows, there must be an opening for doors and stairs.
  • For the attic, the second pediment is made in the form of a bay window with an additional projection.
  • The attic can have different geometric shapes: broken silhouette, triangular, symmetrical, etc.
  • If a large offset is planned, additional supports should be added.
  • When designing a roof, you need to take into account the following: with a broken shape, the lower parts should have a steep slope, the upward slope will be gentle.
  • It is not recommended to save on roofing material. It must have high hydro- and vapor barrier properties.

Features of external work

Initially, it is advisable to prepare and plaster the facade in order to achieve acceptable evenness of the walls and fill existing cracks and crevices. Most often, the facade of aerated concrete baths is sheathed with mineral wool or expanded polystyrene. In the first case, the walls are first covered with rolled materials to protect the insulation from moisture.

If polystyrene foam boards are a priority, they can be fixed on external surfaces without worrying about laying guides in advance; This is where special glue or polyurethane foam comes in handy. Next, the panels are additionally fixed with dowels, the joints and seams are filled with foam. A sheathing for installation of siding is stuffed on top: this sheathing will help protect the insulation from mechanical damage and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

- Why the fool make something out of gas silicate? - Why not? “We’ve always made a bathhouse out of wood!” - There were no other materials, so they did it, and I’ll try!

Advantages of gas silicate: does not burn, strong, lightweight, thermal insulation is better than wood, cheaper. Cons: does not breathe and is theoretically afraid of water (solved by plastering)

The foundation was 40 cm wide, dug with a tractor, with a layer of compacted ASG at the bottom.

Reinforcement 10 or 8, knitted with plastic ties, which is very convenient and quick. Depth from 0.5 m to 1.0 m. KamAZ dumped 20 tons of ASG into this pit, laid water inlet and drain pipes, and compacted everything.

The bathhouse is built from gas silicate. Three walls of 20 cm, adjacent to the garage and an internal partition of 10 cm.

It’s not difficult to lay, the main thing is to set up the first row and let it settle, then sculpt the hunchback! The blocks are light, my wife gives them, I put them down. It is not necessary to set each block, the geometry is excellent, occasionally control the vertical with a large level. I tried to apply the glue with a branded comb spatula - I got all worn out, it’s a thousand times more convenient to use a small square trowel. The joints should be minimal, as later the main heat losses will occur through them. Very quickly I discovered the ideal proportions of water/glue so that the solution would not flow off the trowel and would not be thick. While stirring, I finished the drill (the gears stupidly fell off), then I stirred with a hammer drill, he didn’t care about such loads.

I installed the usual Yoshkar-Alin door, the advantages are that it fits tightly and all sorts of bruises will not get into the bathhouse; minus - the internal fiberboard is weak and if it swells, it will be replaced with lining.

Then we got a wonderful terrace here

The windows are plastic, single glazing. In the locker room it opens, in the steam room it is closed.

Attention rake! Because The door is tight, the windows even more so, there is nowhere for the air to come from and there is no draft, it is necessary to do forced ventilation.

Bathhouse project with veranda

A veranda with a bathhouse is also a very profitable project. First of all, it is a good way to get additional space that can be used for various needs. But in most cases, this is a relaxation room after taking bath procedures and a steam room.

Bathhouse project with veranda

Key points for the project:

  • A closed veranda for a bath made of gas silicate block materials is designed only together with the main structure, since for technical reasons they must be erected simultaneously.
  • An open veranda can be added before or after the construction of the bathhouse.
  • The soles of the veranda and the bathhouse should not be tightly connected to each other.
  • Take into account the fact that the floor level of the veranda should be 4-5 cm below the bathhouse floor.
  • It is necessary to note in the project the gap between the gas silicate blocks of the bathhouse body and the veranda. It will subsequently be covered with elastic material or plinth.
  • The joints of the adjacent roof of the veranda to the wall of the bathhouse made of gas silicate blocks should not be rigidly fastened.

A closed veranda for a bath made of gas silicate block material can also be used as a utility block.

Laying aerated concrete walls

Before laying, aerated blocks must be moistened with water; when laying the second and subsequent rows, the blocks are shifted by 15 cm in relation to the bottom row. Before building the first row, ordinary cement mortar is applied to the surface of the plinth to minimize foundation unevenness, and the next rows are laid only with glue.

Every three to five rows, as well as the last row, must be reinforced using specially made grooves on the surface of the blocks. To lay out window and door openings, special aerated blocks of non-standard sizes are used, reinforced with temporary wooden or metal supports.

Laying aerated concrete walls

Bathhouse project 3x4

During the development of the project, a bathhouse made of a gas silicate block measuring 3x4 does not provide any special options for interior layout and exterior decoration. And at the same time, you should place a compartment for the steam room, a washing room and a resting place:

Bathhouse 3x4

  • For a steam room, approximately 2x1.8 m is allocated.
  • In this case, one of the sides is selected for the steam room, where a lounger will be installed the length of a person’s height, approximately 190 cm for free lying.
  • The distance between bench levels is considered optimal 30 cm to 60 cm.
  • For the stove it is necessary to leave at least 1 m.
  • The remaining area can be divided into two parts: a steam room and a washing room.

Bathhouse roofing and finishing

The installation of the roofing system and roof is standard, and differs from the roof of a house in the presence of a special Mauerlat, which will serve as a support for the rafters or beams of the bathhouse ceiling. The system can be single or double slope. For a pitched roof, one side rests on a mauerlat with a slight (up to 150) slope. Roof waterproofing is usual: roofing felt, on top of which corrugated sheeting, tiles, ondulin or slate are laid. The ceiling is insulated with mineral wool and waterproofed with membrane materials that protect the roof from condensation.

Finishing the external walls of the bath

To protect the walls of the bathhouse outside and inside from moisture, vapor and waterproofing layers are laid, which are attached to a pre-assembled sheathing of metal profiles with “quick installation” dowels. The walls are opened with a primer, and then it is determined whether one or another finish can be used for internal and external surfaces. The internal sheathing is covered with linden or aspen lining.

Construction of a bathhouse

It is better to insulate the external walls of a bathhouse by installing a ventilated facade - this is a layer-by-layer system, in common parlance - a “pie”. Layers of insulation, waterproofing and sound absorption are attached to regular or cross lathing to prevent the formation of cold bridges. The outer sheathing is decorated with siding or materials imitating valuable wood.

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