Types of brooms for a bath - features of selection and preparation

A broom is the main bath attribute. It is he who creates the unique flavor and atmosphere of the steam room, because if you take bath procedures without it, the bath will not have any differences from the sauna.

The preparation of brooms in Rus' is a whole tradition, rooted in ancient times. Experienced bathhouse attendants know what time of year they should harvest raw materials and which branches should be selected to make really high-quality brooms. Therefore, in order to get a traditional Russian broom, you need to know a number of nuances, which we will talk about in this article.


Main types of bath brooms.

What are the benefits of an oak broom in a bathhouse?

The tree represents wisdom, strength and longevity. Wreaths made from leaves were considered a special sign of distinction. Both the Slavs and the ancient Greeks considered the oak sacred. The Germans use the tree leaf as a national symbol.

It is noteworthy that oak, which belongs to the Beech family, has about 600 varieties. However, these species cover small areas. In Russia, summer and winter varieties of pedunculate oak are common. The difference between them is the flowering period.

In folk medicine, oak bark is widely used as a remedy for external and internal use. No less useful are the leaves of the mighty tree, from which brooms are made for the bath. They include a whole range of unique health components: tannins, polysaccharides, flavonoids. It is these components that determine the beneficial effects of oak brooms.

Tannins belong to the aromatic series. They are of organic origin. The group of substances includes tannic and gallotannic acids. The unique properties of these components are successfully used for medical and cosmetic purposes.

In the process of direct use of oak brooms, the acids contained in the leaves participate in a reaction with protein compounds, forming a protective film. This helps relieve skin irritation and regenerate damaged tissue. As a result, the severity of inflammation and pain is reduced.

Using an oak broom helps suppress bacterial flora

The use of tree leaves improves the absorption of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C helps improve immunity. Oak brooms are recommended to be used to eliminate hyperemia and swelling.

High molecular weight polysaccharides, which the leaf blades are rich in, are represented by xylan and araban. The substances have antibacterial and anti-aging effects. The use of an oak broom in a steam room helps to increase the synthesis of collagen, which prolongs the youth of the epidermis. Removing toxins and improving the supply of oxygen and important nutrients to tissues is essential.

The use of oak brooms produces an antioxidant effect due to the presence of flavonoids in the leaves. These substances neutralize free radicals and improve overall well-being.

Regular visits to the bathhouse using an oak broom can reduce signs of inflammation of the prostate gland and prostatitis. The beneficial effect is manifested in the elimination of signs of allergies and asthma, which include runny nose, redness of the eyes, and swelling of the lips.

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Criterias of choice

The main criteria for choosing a bath broom are:

  • rigidity;
  • the chemical composition of the plant from which the bath device is made.

With hardness, everything is very clear - it determines how well the broom cleanses the skin, as well as how comfortable it is to use.

With the chemical composition, everything is somewhat more complicated. It influences a number of factors. For example, oak cleanses oily skin better. Also, different plants have different effects on the human body. So, birch has a beneficial effect on the skin.

When and how to prepare

The use of an oak broom is beneficial for the human body. As a result of the effect, the healing of abrasions is accelerated. The skin becomes velvety. The use of an oak broom is especially recommended for hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands. Due to the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, acne disappears, as well as excessive skin porosity.

The essential oils contained in the branches and leaves help calm the nervous system. With the regular use of an oak broom in the steam room, the pressure gradually stabilizes. The procedures are recommended for people with a history of heart and vascular diseases.

The presence of beneficial properties of an oak broom depends on the correct choice of raw materials. Collection is carried out in clear sunny weather, preferably in the first half of the day.

Branches are usually harvested after June 15th. However, it is recommended to make oak brooms using raw materials collected in July. They are durable due to the long-term preservation of leaves.

Attention! The quality of brooms from raw materials collected in August and September is average. Collection is not carried out when frost occurs.

For the purpose of making bath brooms that bring significant benefits to the body, both ordinary and Canadian oak are suitable. The latter variety is also called red. Its advantage lies in the flexibility of long branches. For knitting brooms, you can also consider Caucasian oak, which is distinguished by its strong and thick leaves.

When collecting raw materials, pay attention to trees growing in the shade and reaching about 3 m in height. Secateurs are used to cut side branches with strong leaves. They should have a length of up to 0.5 m. For convenience, you should choose flexible and straight branches.

The collected raw materials are laid out in the shade in a thin layer. After an hour, the branches can be transported home. When knitting, you need to take into account the diameter of the resulting handle. It is convenient to use a broom with a girth of up to 5 cm. At this point the leaves need to be removed.

There are two main methods of knitting an oak broom:

  1. "Ball." The rods are laid evenly in a circle. The result is an oak broom characterized by volume.

    Ball knitting is a convenient way to make a bath accessory

  2. "Shovel". This is the most popular method of shaping the product. The rods are placed on the plane in such a way that they press the previously laid branch. In this case, the outer side of the sheet is directed towards the middle.

    The finished oak broom resembles a thick fan

It should be remembered that thick branches are placed in the middle. On the outside of the oak broom there are thin rods. The product must be fixed in two places for greater strength. Twine is used in the place where the branches fan out. It is recommended to wrap the handle around the edge with fabric.

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You can add raw materials of other medicinal plants to the oak broom. For example, rowan branches give vigor, and coniferous branches increase blood flow and also prevent ARVI. The product can be supplemented with bird cherry twigs as an antibacterial component.

The finished oak broom is kept under pressure for about a day to obtain a flat shape. Then the product is hung in a draft. The absence of sunlight is essential. Otherwise, loss of valuable substances and beneficial properties is possible.

Usually the product is ready for use within a week. This time is often sufficient for drying. The accessory can be immersed in hot water. Fresh products are soaked only in warm water.


Let's look at common and not so common types of bath brooms.


One of the most common options.
The widespread growth of birch throughout the country is not the main reason for its popularity. The fact is that a broom made from the branches of this tree has the following properties:

  • Softness . Birch branches are highly elastic and very flexible. Thanks to this, a broom made from this plant does not injure the skin or cause discomfort.
  • Durability . Despite their softness, birch products can last for several years, almost completely retaining their original qualities.
  • Good cleansing . Although birch brooms are not very hard, they perfectly cleanse the skin, exfoliating dead particles of the epidermis. This occurs due to the structure of the tree’s leaves.

A birch product will have all of the listed properties only if it is properly dried and steamed. If you violate the technology of its creation, it will be too tough.

Substances contained in birch leaves activate metabolic processes in skin cells. This helps maintain its tone, as well as faster healing of wounds.


Ideal for those who have oily skin. Thanks to the complex of tannins they contain, it cleans perfectly. Also, chemical compounds contained in oak reduce the acidity of the epidermis and reduce fat production. This normalizes his work.

Oak is tougher than birch. This must be taken into account when using it. However, with proper harvesting (only young branches should be collected), drying and steaming, a broom from this plant will also be quite soft.

Oak branches have minimal negative effects on the epidermis during soaring, so they are suitable for people with sensitive skin or allergy sufferers.


Linden brooms are not as popular as oak or birch brooms. But they also deserve attention. The main advantage of linden is its excellent aroma, which will make bathing procedures much more enjoyable.

But the benefits of the plant do not end there:

  • thanks to the chemical compounds contained in the leaves, it promotes profuse sweating, which cleanses the pores of the skin well;
  • nourishes the epidermis with vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on its condition, and also strengthens the overall immunity of the body.

Some people harvest linden branches in June, when they still have flowers. Branches with flowers are more fragrant. The essential oils they contain have a calming effect on the nervous system. With linden blossom, bath procedures will become a real relaxation. This is especially important after a busy work week.


Made from young juniper branches. It has a high degree of hardness even after repeated steaming. Therefore, it is not suitable for people with sensitive skin.

Thanks to its rigidity, it perfectly cleanses the skin. It also has a tonic effect on it. This is due to the peculiar massage provided by the needles on the branches.

Like any coniferous plant, juniper contains substances that are antiseptics of natural origin. They are able to kill most pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, juniper brooms are suitable for those who suffer from respiratory diseases.

Expert opinion

Levin Dmitry Konstantinovich

Juniper needles are also rich in vitamin C. It strengthens the skin, as well as the immune system in general.

Juniper has a pleasant pine aroma. It can be felt even when the branches of the plant are dry and cold. When wet and heated in a steam room, the smell becomes even more intense.


Many sauna lovers neglect Russian maple brooms. But in vain. This plant is perfect for a steam room.

Due to its chemical composition it:

  • strengthens the skin and improves its condition;
  • relieves inflammation and pain.

The substances contained in maple are able to penetrate deep into the skin and affect the organs and tissues of the body. Since the plant has anti-inflammatory properties, it helps relieve muscle pain, symptoms of arthritis, arthrosis, and osteochondrosis.

Under no circumstances should American maple be used for bath fixtures. This is a poisonous plant that can only cause harm to the body.

Experienced bathhouse attendants recommend adding a decoction of maple leaves to the water for steam, and also wiping yourself off with it after a steam room. This helps get rid of pain in the joints and spine caused by arthritis and osteochondrosis.


Traditionally considered feminine. First of all, because of its softness. After all, young willow shoots have high elasticity, so they are very gentle on the skin.

The plant also has a beneficial effect on the epidermis. It contains chemical compounds that:

  • strengthen the skin and increase its tone;
  • make regenerative processes in the epidermis more intense.

This is especially important for the fair sex.

The smell of willow is tart, sourish-bitter. The aroma is peculiar, but quite pleasant.


Brooms can be made not only from juniper, but also from other coniferous trees. True, you need to use only young shoots - they are the softest.

Coniferous products have a pleasant aroma, nourish the body with vitamin C, and cleanse dirt from the skin well.

Different coniferous trees have different hardness, which must also be taken into account when preparing material for a broom. The softest is larch. Products made from it are almost the same in rigidity as those made from deciduous plants. This is due to the fact that tree needles are soft. A little tougher - fir. The toughest are spruce and pine.

Expert opinion

Levin Dmitry Konstantinovich

You need to be careful when steaming with pine brooms. Even a well-steamed product can scratch the skin.


Made from young viburnum branches. Rich in vitamin C and tannins. Thanks to this, it strengthens the overall immunity of the body and also has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Softness – medium. It does not cause discomfort during use, but at the same time perfectly cleanses dirt and tones the skin well.

The aroma is bitter. There are practically no additional notes of scent.


An exotic option for Russia - eucalyptus does not grow in the country. Despite this, brooms made from the plant have recently become increasingly popular. This is due to their healing properties and pleasant smell.

Eucalyptus branches and leaves contain 3% essential oils. They:

  • help strengthen general immunity;
  • have a relaxing effect on the skin;
  • soften the respiratory tract, which is especially important for colds.

Eucalyptus also has a very pleasant aroma that fills the bathhouse when using the branches of this tree.


An alder broom is a universal solution that will appeal to almost all bathhouse lovers. They are a kind of golden mean. The branches of the tree are not too soft and not too hard, the leaves are fragrant, with notes of bitterness in the smell, the substances in the composition have a beneficial effect on the skin.


To make bath appliances, not only tree branches are used, but also various herbs.

Here are the most popular:


Rich in tannins, it cleanses the skin well. Inhaling wormwood vapor helps normalize digestion and relieves inflammation.


A medicinal plant that has an anti-inflammatory effect. It has a very pleasant spicy smell.


Most often, branches of this herb are added for the pleasant minty-lemon smell. But it also has a number of useful properties. Thus, lemon balm relieves inflammation and has a calming effect on the nervous system.


Strengthens the skin. Promotes better hair growth and prevents hair loss. Has a strengthening effect on general immunity. Calms the central nervous system.

How to steam properly

Oak accessories are considered the most durable. They are enough for about five procedures. The product is changed as it becomes bald and coarser.

The steaming procedure includes several sequential steps. First, the accessory is immersed in cold water for a few minutes, and then in hot water. Exposure to boiling water should be avoided. Cover the bucket or basin and wait for the oak aroma to appear.

Important! The water is not thrown away after steaming. It can be splashed on stones and walls.

After the procedure, the product is watered with warm water and placed in a bag. Upon arrival home, you need to hang it to dry and put it away in a designated place.

Advantages of oak

An oak broom is less popular than a birch one, but it also has a certain therapeutic effect during bath procedures. Regular use of oak tea helps normalize blood pressure and the functioning of the nervous system.

Oak foliage is rich in tannins, which are beneficial for the skin: they relieve inflammation. Helps remove excess fat and relieve itching. Phytoncides stimulate blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Delicate broom – delicate approach

How to steam maple correctly? You can steam fresh immediately by first washing it. A dry broom is steamed differently from all deciduous brooms. Maple does not tolerate boiling water: the leaves curl, “cook”, become soft and unusable.

The easiest way is to put a dry broom in a bucket of water +20...+27 °C for a couple of minutes, shake it and hold it over a hot heater for a couple of minutes, adding water. Steam will quickly revive the broom, making it voluminous and flexible.

Attention! A broom that bends without crunching and has returned to its original shape (as before drying) can be considered completely steamed.

If you put it directly on the stone, then for 15-20 seconds, alternating with wetting. Two or three approaches - and the broom in your hands will literally “bloom”. The main thing is not to overdry it or burn it.

Basic mistakes and recommendations

Recommendations for making and using maple brooms:

  1. When carrying out bath procedures, the bunch of branches should not dry out. It must be regularly moistened with water.
  2. Before you start steaming, you need to warm up your body. To do this, you need to sit in the steam room for 5–7 minutes.
  3. When choosing a broom, you need to carefully inspect the branches for defects. If there are leaves damaged by disease or pests, they should be removed.

Maple bath brooms were very popular in past centuries. Later they were replaced by birch and oak products, but the popularity of maple bundles is gradually returning.

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