Methods of use and principles of making maple bath brooms

Beneficial features

To create bath instruments that will be used to perform massage, you can use branches of small-leaved and large-leaved maple. The leaves contain tannins, various microelements, flavonoids, organic acids, and vitamins. Beneficial features:

  • cleansing the body of waste and toxins;
  • normalization of blood flow;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • wound healing;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • relief from cold symptoms;
  • removal of mucus from the respiratory tract.

The pleasant aroma of maple helps you relax faster and get rid of negative thoughts.

Birch broom

This plant has a whole range of healing properties. Birch leaves contain special essential oils, resins, vitamins and tannins. Massaging with such a broom in a bath helps a lot with aching muscles and joints. In addition, it has a calming effect and accelerates the process of tissue regeneration. If you make birch brooms yourself, try to select succulent, curly branches with a flexible stem.

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Indications and contraindications

Indications for use of a maple broom for a bath:

  • colds;
  • muscle pain;
  • emotional stress;
  • atherosclerosis, gout, radiculitis.


  • alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • high body temperature;
  • breastfeeding, pregnancy;
  • mental illness;
  • high blood pressure;
  • malignant or benign neoplasms;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • fungal, viral diseases;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular and urinary systems.

You should not visit the sauna for 1–2 weeks after surgery.

Oak broom

Oak leaves are rich in special tannins. Massage with such a broom in combination with special wraps and masks for the skin allows you to achieve excellent smoothness. With regular use of such a bath broom, a decrease in blood pressure is also observed.

It is better to harvest oak broom from August to September. It is at this time that the leaves of this plant have sufficient strength and width, which, when used, improves steam injection.

DIY making

A maple broom is easy to make with your own hands. This tree is very popular in the CIS countries and Russia. To manufacture it correctly, you need to take into account a number of nuances and learn how to prepare raw materials.

Time and place for collection

Principles for choosing a place and time for collection:

  1. It is prohibited to collect tree branches that are located near large enterprises and roads.
  2. Branches need to be harvested in May, preferably towards the end. At this time, they contain the largest amount of essential oils and tannins.
  3. Branches can only be cut in dry weather.

Selection of branches and collection rules

Principles of selection and collection of branches:

  • you need to choose branches with small leaves;
  • optimal branch length is 45 cm;
  • It is better to trim with pruning shears.


Stages of steaming maple branches:

  1. Place the branches in cool water for 4–5 minutes.
  2. Remove the branches from a bowl of cold water and shake them off.
  3. Place in a hot container. Wait another 5 minutes.

Before visiting the steam room, immerse the finished broom in cold water for 2 minutes, heat it over the heater for 30–40 seconds.


When the branches are prepared, they need to be dried. To do this, you need to stretch the thread indoors so that you can hang branches on it. They should not be exposed to sunlight during drying.


After drying, you can start knitting a broom. To do this, thin branches form the middle, thick branches form the outer contour. The broom is tied with twine, 15 cm above the beginning of the branches.

Linden bath broom: benefits

Bathhouse... So much is hidden in this word.
So many positive emotions and pleasant memories. The Russian bath is the most famous Russian tradition in the world, which carries not so much the meaning of physical purity, but rather the meaning of spiritual purity. It is she who is the reason for the appearance of statements about strange Russians who do not go to the bathhouse to wash, but indulge in thoughts about the frailty of existence. There are many interesting things in the Russian bath tradition: special utensils, brooms. This article is about one of the types of brooms. Linden broom is one of the most beneficial effects on the human body. However, with the advent of fashionable new products, such as bamboo, they began to forget about linden. It does not have a unique appearance and cannot boast of exotic origin. That is why in our society, which is greedy for overseas curiosities, it is not very popular. By the way, linden has many beneficial properties.

It was from linden that houses and baths were built, mead was brewed and kvass was prepared. Linden honey was highly valued. And many bath attributes are still made from linden. Few people know where the expression “false seal” and others like it came from. In fact, scammers, at one time, also appreciated this tree.

Linden is a long-lived tree. On average, its lifespan is 300-400 years. This beautiful and useful tree grows in the western part of Russia, however, it can also be found in Siberia. There, linden is often planted in gardens and parks. When the linden blossoms, the wonderful smell of linden blossom spreads around.

After flowering for 10-15 days, fruits appear, which, for many, somewhat resemble peas. It is during the flowering period, when there is a lot of sap in the still young branches, that linden brooms should be prepared for the bathhouse. When using them, you can feel the linden spirit even in the midst of winter frosts and completely relax, indulging in memories of summer.

Preparation, basic rules:

  1. Branches are cut from May to July, depending on latitude. Clearly during the flowering period;
  2. Requires dry but cool weather. Otherwise, the flowers will quickly fly away;
  3. Only young light branches are cut;
  4. The length of the cut shoots is about 50 cm;
  5. Thicker branches, when collecting a broom, go to the center. Thinner ones are placed along the edges, bending inward;
  6. Dry in the shade and in a draft. Lay on top of straw. Straw absorbs excess moisture.

Such a beauty can be stored for no more than three years. Afterwards it will no longer give a therapeutic effect and will not give the same pleasure. If the preparation of linden brooms for the bath was carried out according to all the rules, then one of these may be enough for three visits. Do not forget that linden is a soft tree and if steamed incorrectly, the leaves and all the color will quickly fly off.

Before steaming, the linden broom should be rinsed with cold water to remove dust. Do not be careful when doing this, otherwise the leaves may fall off. You also need to steam it in water at a special temperature, for more details:

  1. The temperature of the steaming water should be hot. Do not exceed 90 degrees. It’s better if you set the temperature to the same temperature as for brewing green tea;
  2. Before steaming, carefully rinse with cold(!) water. This will wash away dust and reduce the likelihood of leaves and color shedding quickly;
  3. Steaming a linden broom lasts 15-20 minutes. More is impossible. Its structure will be destroyed by too long exposure to high water temperatures.
  4. The broom is ready to use. You shouldn't whip it too hard, otherwise it will quickly become unusable.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Impregnation for lining in a bathhouse.
This type is not intended for intensive massage. First of all, it is used in bathing as an opportunity to improve the functioning of the body's respiratory systems.

Thanks to a special combination of some specific substances, the smell, unique only to this plant, is a rather strong sedative. Thanks to these same properties, linden is an excellent relaxant, relieves muscle tension and helps relieve headaches. Particular attention should be paid to its incomparable effects on the respiratory tract.

It also has the ability to reduce temperature, but what kind of bath is there at a temperature?

Linden is a beautiful plant in all respects. We must not forget that linden is a native Russian tree. Taking into account the specifics of the article, the story was not only about its history and properties. First of all, about the bathhouse and the role of linden in it. So now you won’t get confused, if necessary, remember: when to prepare linden brooms for a bath, how to steam them, how, in general terms, to handle them and what useful properties it has.

Basic mistakes and recommendations

Recommendations for making and using maple brooms:

  1. When carrying out bath procedures, the bunch of branches should not dry out. It must be regularly moistened with water.
  2. Before you start steaming, you need to warm up your body. To do this, you need to sit in the steam room for 5–7 minutes.
  3. When choosing a broom, you need to carefully inspect the branches for defects. If there are leaves damaged by disease or pests, they should be removed.

Maple bath brooms were very popular in past centuries. Later they were replaced by birch and oak products, but the popularity of maple bundles is gradually returning.

A well-forgotten linden bathhouse broom. Steaming with pleasure

Greetings to all lovers of hot healing steam!

Nowadays, birch or oak brooms are most often used in paired procedures. The linden broom is, as a rule, rarely used. And this is a big omission of current steamers. Even our ancestors in Ancient Rus' steamed with linden.

They built the same baths and houses from this wonderful wood. They made kvass and mead from linden, and, of course, they valued natural fragrant linden honey. For a long time, Russian people knew all the healing power of this beautiful fragrant tree. Let's take a closer look at why a linden bath broom is so useful.

Linden is a beautiful slender tree. It is not for nothing that among the ancient Slavs it personified feminine beauty and grace. Linden is very widespread, mainly in the western part of our country. It grows rarely in Siberia, although it is found in artificially planted parks and gardens. During flowering, it has an amazing smell that attracts a large number of bees and other insects. Linden honey is especially valuable at this time.

The linden aroma has a calming effect on a person. Thanks to the unique energy, people’s feelings of anxiety disappear, depression goes away, and their nerves calm down. Steam yourself lightly with a linden broom in the evening, before bed, and you will sleep like a baby. If you had a headache, it will also go away and you will feel lighter.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with What to drink after a bath

Linden has a very good effect on the lungs. Sputum is removed perfectly and the bronchi are cleansed. For colds, a couple of essential oils gently and effectively have a healing effect on the entire body. In addition, linden has an antipyretic and diaphoretic effect, which is essential for colds.

When taken orally, an infusion of leaves or flowers has a strong diuretic and expectorant effect. As a result, the kidneys and lungs are cleansed. Breathing becomes free, vigor appears in the body.

Decoctions and infusions also have a good effect on the skin and perfectly disinfect wounds. Hair will be pleased with increased growth and overall strengthening.

There is nothing complicated about this procedure. We can say that the actions are the same as with birch or oak. Pour warm (but not boiling water) water into a basin and place a linden broom in it. Wait 20-30 minutes. When the branches and leaves become soft, you can safely begin paired procedures.

Splash the water in which you steamed the linden broom onto the heater and off you go. If the leaves of a broom begin to fall off, it means that it was not prepared at the right time or you are using very hot water.

If the linden bath broom is fresh, just cut, then it does not need to be steamed at all. Rinse it with warm water to wash away the dust and just keep it in the steam room. High temperature and fresh essential oils will immediately show themselves. The steam room will quickly fill with the pleasant aroma of linden.

Linden brooms should be harvested in May-June. At this time, the tree is preparing to flower and there are a lot of healthy juices in it. You need to cut young light shoots about 50 cm long, being careful not to damage the rest of the tree.

It is best to harvest on a dry, cool day. These are optimal conditions for harvesting brooms. In this situation, the sheet will stick well and the broom will withstand several trips to the bathhouse.

It is recommended to store linden brooms in the same way as birch or oak brooms. An attic space is the best option. Shade and a little breeze are all you need. The maximum storage time for brooms is three years. After this period, all medicinal properties are lost.

Viburnum broom

Viburnum perfectly mobilizes all the internal forces of the body and helps to quickly cope with coughs and colds. Brooms from this plant are best harvested in late spring or summer, when its leaves have already fully blossomed. To make brooms, experts advise using thin branches. It is recommended to dry them in a well-ventilated, cool room. This will preserve all the beneficial substances.


Such brooms are often used in Finnish saunas and Russian baths. They are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, only red or Canadian maple has beneficial qualities. In our country, Tatar, white and field maples are more common, the leaves of which do not contain any useful substances.

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The effect of the bath on the human body


The hot, humid heat of the air dilates blood vessels, sweating increases and metabolism accelerates, self-cleaning occurs. The dead top layer of the epidermis is peeled off and removed and replaced with a new and youthful one. With such bath procedures, the skin rejuvenates.

The cardiovascular system

Constant visits to the bathhouse train the heart muscle, making it stronger. In blood vessels, blood is accelerated due to their expansion. This helps to avoid stagnation of blood in the vessels and prevent pre-infarction and infarction conditions.

Nervous system

In the bathhouse, nervous tension is relieved, relaxation occurs, and mental excitability is weakened.

Respiratory system

Hot, humid air has a healing effect on the entire respiratory system. The secretion of sputum and mucus increases, which makes breathing easier and promotes faster recovery.

Musculoskeletal system

The expression “steam the bones” arose for a reason and indicates the beneficial effect of the entire musculoskeletal system.

With the help of hot air, deeper heating of joints, bones, ligaments, toxins and salts are removed from them, mobility is restored, pain decreases or disappears.


A sauna with sycamore brooms is also popular in the Caucasus. However, the benefits of this procedure can also be questioned. The leaves of the plane tree do not contain any useful substances, so a broom from this plant will not bring anything to the body. Moreover, when parked, such a broom swells greatly and becomes too heavy. As a result, during massage it can easily injure the skin.


This medicinal plant is known for its healing properties. It is added to special mixtures and decoctions, and is also sometimes woven into bath brooms. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect, but this plant also has one rather serious drawback - it is a strong allergen. So, if a person prone to allergies wants to take a steam bath and takes a chamomile broom, the consequences may not be the most pleasant. In a humid and steamy environment, a weakened body can become susceptible to the allergen, and then the entire anti-inflammatory effect of using the plant is neutralized.

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How to create a certain temperature regime in a bathhouse?

We heat the oven until the temperature on the shelves reaches 55-60 degrees. Then we pour a little water onto the stones to increase humidity due to evaporation and mix the steam and air by waving something.

It is necessary to monitor your condition and internal sensations. Each of us has a certain level of thermal comfort.

Japanese scientists from the Toyama Institute (Tokyo) under the leadership of Dr. Takashi conducted interesting research. A group of volunteers visited the bathhouse 5 times a week. The research results were surprising.

It turned out that:

  • the work of the heart muscle has improved;
  • the risk of blood clots has decreased;
  • depressive states were replaced by a positive attitude.


It was concluded that with a short-term sharp increase in temperature in the human brain, a protective adaptation mechanism is triggered. This helps to increase vascular tone and improve the functioning of the heart muscle.

“Ultimately, regular bathing prolongs life,” concluded the Japanese scientist Takashi.

Currently, science is developing the direction of tumor destruction under the influence of high temperature


In developed countries of Europe, the USA and Japan, this direction is being introduced into the official standard of treatment for cancer.

According to Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Shevchenko, the meaning of this procedure is to quickly and safely heat the human body to the so-called “biological turning point” - 43 - 43.8 degrees.

Many pathological cells, especially cancerous ones or those damaged by the chronic hepatitis B or C virus, are destroyed, and a person can withstand high temperatures

This “shake-up” for the body triggers the patient’s immune defense. With strong heating, not only tumor and virus-infected cells “burn out,” but also other unfavorable complexes and accumulation of toxins in the body.

Instead of these harmful compounds, new healthy proteins are formed, therefore the condition of many tissues inside the body and the appearance of the skin improves.

Which firewood to choose

Depending on the species and type of wood, firewood differs in its efficiency.

Ash and oak with their pleasant aroma have the best heat transfer.

Softwood firewood also has a high combustion heat capacity, but it releases a large amount of resin.

The healing substances released when burning linden further enhance the healing effect.

Firewood from fruit trees takes a long time to melt, producing little smoke.

The bathhouse is our mother: it straightens the bones and straightens the whole body.

That's what they said in ancient times. And it is true. Here they not only wash away dirt from the body, but also cure various diseases.

Under the influence of hot air and high humidity, toxins are removed from the body along with sweat, the pores are cleansed and the pores open.

I washed myself in the bathhouse and was born again.

Not recommended:

  • drink alcohol, smoke before and during bath procedures;
  • go to the bathhouse immediately after eating, especially fatty and large quantities;
  • also go on an empty stomach, after physical labor. The body is tired, requires rest, and the steam room takes a lot of energy.
  • at elevated body temperature.

In the bathhouse, the washcloth is the main boss

I remember how, as a child, we washed ourselves with a washcloth made of linden bast. Mom soaked it in hot water, washed it, divided the large parts into small ones, and soaked it so that it wouldn’t be painful to wash.

Now they sell washcloths made from dried luffa fruits, porous and slightly harsh, the threads of which are naturally intertwined with each other.

To go to the steam room, you definitely need a felt cap.

on the head, which protects from overheating,
a mitten
to supply water to the heater and not get burned by hot steam, a small
to sit on a hot bench.
Now all this is sold as a set. Slippers
are a must .

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