Bath – vascular gymnastics – effect of youth and health

TV screens and newspaper pages are full of information that cardiovascular diseases are the scourge of the 20th and now 21st centuries. It is useless to listen and watch this information; it will not make our blood vessels healthier. Something needs to be done to keep the blood vessels clean and elastic. And what?

There is an effective remedy for maintaining health - this is vascular gymnastics with regular visits to the bathhouse. You say what does vascular gymnastics and a bath have to do with it? The secret is that the bath stimulates the activity of the heart, relieves blood stagnation and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Blood irrigates the muscles, brain, joints, skin, subcutaneous tissue and all organs of our body. The better the blood circulation, the stronger the body resists all types of infection. A healthier body means younger skin and all internal organs. Unfortunately, by the age of 25, the amount of circulating blood in the muscles decreases by half. This is especially true for those who have chosen a sedentary job and do not play sports.

Our youth and health directly depend on blood exchange. It is the bathhouse that relieves us of blood stagnation, gives nutrition to muscles, skin and all organs. It is also interesting that in the bathhouse the reserve (deposited) blood comes into motion. A person needs 5-6 liters of blood for life, despite the fact that there are 11 liters of blood in reserve. It is in the bathhouse that this reserve blood begins to circulate and deliver the most valuable nutrients to the cells. The effect is that charge of vivacity that everyone feels after bath procedures.

At the beginning of the sauna epic, the pressure rises slightly, and then, as the blood vessels dilate, it decreases. For those who regularly steam, the body is already acclimatized to the heat of the bath and this is manifested by a uniform increase in blood pulsation. For those who do not systematically steam, the moment they are on the shelf, the pulse increases to 100-120 beats per minute, i.e. more blood flows through the heart muscle.

You need to get into the heat gradually, alternating being in the steam room with resting in the dressing room. Reasonable use of sauna heat is equivalent to physical exercises that train the cardiovascular system. When you leave the bathhouse and say, “How good you can breathe,” this is the result of increased blood circulation, which gives the effect of skin breathing. After the bath procedure, the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin, as well as leukocytes, which can be called “germ eaters,” increases. It’s not for nothing that it was always believed that a bathhouse would drive out all illnesses.

Of course, another type of vascular gymnastics is the use of the contrast of water and heat. A real Russian bath always involves using the effect of cold water (shower, pool, snow, ice hole) to constrict blood vessels, followed by their expansion in a hot steam room.

Cold - the blood vessels contract and blood begins to rush to the internal organs, to the heart - you feel heat and a slight tingling sensation inside. Heat - and again the vessels dilate and blood runs from the heart to the periphery. Such gymnastics is useful for blood vessels, but one must act within reasonable limits. For healthy and trained people, both intense heat and an ice hole are suitable; for more weakened people, a moderate steam room and a cool shower are sufficient. Focus on your feelings and well-being.

A sharp change in temperature is the apotheosis of the contrasting effect on blood vessels, thanks to which our vessels become elastic, healthy and young.

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Severities and symptoms

In total, experts distinguish 4 degrees of burn from a stove in a bathhouse:

  1. Redness of the dermis . The patient experiences pain, mild swelling, and a burning sensation. Only the top layer of skin is affected. Recovery is noted after 2-5 days. The injured area peels off and no burn marks remain on the skin.
  2. The appearance of blisters . In addition to redness, burning and pain, damage to the epithelium up to the germ layer is noted. After 2-3 weeks, the skin heals thanks to self-healing.
  3. Necrosis of the dermis . All layers of the skin are affected, the dermis turns black, and large blisters appear.
  4. Charring of fabrics . Absolutely all tissues die. Muscle and bone tissues are damaged.

Photo: burns from a sauna stove

But 3rd and 4th degree burns from a stove in a bathhouse rarely occur.

Bathhouse for a healthy person

Staying in the steam room helps train the heart and blood vessels. If you have a strong heart and are completely healthy, then a bath will only benefit your heart. It’s not for nothing that I chose this saying as an epigraph to the article.

The optimal temperature for visiting the bathhouse is 80-90 ⁰C. For absolutely healthy people with a strong heart, it can be 100⁰C and higher. Of course, before starting active “sauna therapy”, it is better to visit a therapist and cardiologist, monitor blood pressure, blood cholesterol levels, and do an ECG.

Bath massage, which is done both with hands and with the help of brooms and special massagers, has a very beneficial effect on the body of a healthy person. During massage, blood flow and lymph outflow improve, and toxins are removed from the skin and blood vessels. Stagnation of blood in the veins is eliminated, and this relieves the heart.

First aid

Providing first aid for a burn from a stove in a bathhouse consists of:

  1. Cool the injured area with a stream of cold water. It is possible to use ice, but only wrapped in cloth. It is forbidden to expose the burn to too low temperatures. Keep the affected area under water for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Use special medications to promote healing. Usually doctors recommend choosing Panthenol, Levisol, Bepanten, Dexpanthenol, etc. A sterile bandage soaked in cold water is applied to the treated wound. It is possible to use a soda solution.
  3. In case of burns on the stove in a 2nd degree bath, the injured area is washed and an antiseptic bandage is applied. If your face is burned, use Vaseline.
  4. In case of a 3rd or 4th degree burn, immediately call an ambulance and give the victim a pain reliever.

It is important to know that a burn can provoke a painful shock, which often causes death.

Bath and coronary heart disease - when are they combined?

It is worth saying that a bath and coronary heart disease are combined only in cases where the cause of ischemia is low blood pressure. And only in those cases where the ischemia itself is quite weakly expressed.

This is explained by the fact that with pronounced changes in the myocardium, exposure to high temperatures, humidity or any other stress factors can cause decompensation of the pathological process, the development of cardiac failure and lead to irreversible changes in the entire cardiovascular system and the body.

Treatment of burns with medications

1st degree burns can only be treated at home. The most effective remedies used for such injuries are:

  1. Panthenol . It is recommended to choose the drug in spray form. Spray onto the burn area, after which a film will form. It is gradually absorbed into the skin. Repeat sessions 4-5 times a day.
  2. Bepanten . The ointment is applied under the bandage. But the difference between the product is that the bandage can not be changed for 4-5 days. During this time the burn will have time to heal.
  3. Levomekol . The medication is also applied under a bandage. Change it daily until the wound is completely healed.

A 2nd degree burn is more serious, so pre-treatment is carried out in the emergency room. The doctor performs a number of actions:

  • pain relief at the injury site;
  • treating healthy dermis around the burn with an antiseptic;
  • removal of dead skin, dirt;
  • cutting the blisters and removing the liquid (the film is not removed, as it protects against infection);
  • applying a bandage with bactericidal ointment (preference is given to Streptomycin).

After the manipulations are performed, the patient is sent home. At home, you will need to change the dressings every 2 days until the tissue is completely regenerated. It is important to prevent the wound from becoming infected.

Enjoy Your Bath"!

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted diseases rank second among infectious diseases, second only to ARVI. The most common are syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and genital herpes. The direct route of transmission of infections is sexual intercourse. Is it possible to “catch” a disease in a bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool? Some believe that the risks are minimal, while others consider these places to be a real breeding ground for diseases. Who is right? In this article we will dispel the myth that public spaces are dangerous.

How scary is the devil? Visiting the sauna and bathhouse is a favorite pastime for millions of people, but despite the high popularity of these establishments, cases of contracting STDs in the absence of sex are rare. Why? The first reason: most pathogens of infectious diseases do not live outside the human body; they die when they find themselves in conditions that are uncomfortable for their life.

The second reason: for infection and further development of the disease, a huge number of microbes are needed. Single bacteria rarely take root in a new organism. Therefore, the main way of transmitting STDs remains sexual intercourse.

If you do not plan to have unprotected sex in a bathhouse or sauna (you must admit, this happens), the risks of infection are low, but this does not mean that they are zero.

Doctors have determined that there is still a danger. There is no need to completely exclude the possibility of infection in the sauna, swimming pool and bathhouse. It’s better to play it safe, then you won’t have to run to hospitals, take medications and explain to your sexual partner where the disease came from.

How to protect yourself from infectious diseases? The main “enemies” are towels and sheets issued in a public establishment. If products have not undergone thorough heat treatment, particularly persistent harmful microorganisms may remain on them. You should also not sit on the canopy in the steam room without a sheet or towel. These are the key points that everyone should keep in mind.

When visiting a sauna or swimming pool, adhere to the following rules: – do not use bedding that is provided for rent if you are not sure of its cleanliness; – do not sit on the side of the pool, on the bench or on the canopy without covering the naked part of your body. Damp wood and tiles are places where STD pathogens live for more than an hour. At this time, the risk of “catching” an infection is quite high; – do not sit on benches in wet swimming trunks - bacteria can enter the body through damp fabric; – do not go to the bathhouse or swimming pool during a cold – during this period the immune system is weakened, so the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection through household methods increases.

If you don’t want to “pick up” anything in a bathhouse or swimming pool, always pay attention to the sanitary and hygienic conditions in the establishment. Remember that in a humid environment, microorganisms multiply very quickly, and if the administration does not take the time to maintain proper hygienic conditions, there is no way to talk about one hundred percent safety. When taking water procedures, protect yourself from any direct contact with surfaces. Better yet, give preference to another public institution that maintains order.

Tips for treating the thyroid gland

Is it possible to go to the sea? It depends on whether patients can sunbathe in the sun, take a steam bath, and whether they always need to take iodine supplements - these are the most common questions from my patients. Everything here depends on the nature of the problem.

– With endemic goiter (and this is the most common problem associated with a lack of iodine in water and soil), without disrupting the functioning of the thyroid gland and without nodular pathology, patients can go to hot countries, take sun and sea baths, steam in a bathhouse, take iodine preparations ( within reasonable limits).

– In case of nodular pathology, hyperthyroidism, hot countries, active sun, baths are contraindicated, as this can lead to an exacerbation or relapse of the process.

The prescription of iodine preparations for nodular pathology is indicated (of course, if a specialist recommends it), but for hyperthyroidism such drugs cannot be prescribed. Iodine preparations should not be taken for chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, even if the gland is functioning normally.

As for patients with reduced thyroid function, it all depends on the duration and nature of the disease.

In case of persistent hypothyroidism, when the gland is replaced by connective tissue and does not produce hormones, and the patient takes a stable dose of thyroxine or euthyrox, the level of the TSH hormone is normal, the number of antibodies to thyropyroxidase is normal - you can occasionally take a steam bath, go to the south, take sun baths.

Taking iodine supplements in this case is hardly necessary. But always, before deciding to travel to countries with active sun, you should consult with an endocrinologist. As for warming up with sand, applications to the neck area are, from my point of view, strictly contraindicated!

Anna KRAVCHINA, endocrinologist, Minsk

Make friends with flaxseed oil

One herbalist advised my friend to use a folk remedy for treating the thyroid gland - drink 1 tbsp. flaxseed oil half an hour before meals 3 times a day. After a week of taking flaxseed oil, my friend felt better. Her blood pressure returned to normal. A friend took the oil for a month. Then I took a break for 10 days and repeated the course.

To consolidate the therapeutic effect, I rubbed the skin in the thyroid area with linseed oil at night and then tied it with a warm scarf. My friend also used cherry bark in the recipe (relieves thyroid tumors). I filled a half-liter jar of dried cherry bark with vodka to the brim. I insisted in a dark place for 3 weeks, shaking daily. Saw 1 tbsp.

3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course is a month. And so - once a quarter.

Alexandra POLUYAN, Minsk

And overall health of the body

After the Chernobyl events, many people developed problems with the thyroid gland. At our enterprise, we conducted a mandatory medical examination of employees, and it was then during an ultrasound that a nodule was discovered on me. Everyone knows that the thyroid gland is like a conductor who leads the entire “orchestra” - the body, so I started looking for traditional medicine.


White cinquefoil became the very first medicine for me. I crushed 50-70 g of dry roots (I weigh the components for infusions and tinctures on scales), washed it down with 0.5 liters of vodka, tightly closed it and left it in a dark place for three weeks.

Then he filtered and poured the liquid into a separate bowl, and again filled the roots with vodka and let it sit for 4-5 weeks. Drank 1 tsp. three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals (this is about 30-35 drops per 50 ml of water).

Subsequently, I was told that milk should be used instead of water. Indeed, in this combination the tincture is better accepted by the body. They also advised to additionally rub 1 tsp of the tincture into the thyroid gland area. 2-3 times a day.

Course - 3 weeks, 10 days break and repeat. White cinquefoil tincture can also be taken to prevent thyroid diseases.


Additionally, I also drank oat infusion. In the evening, I mixed a glass of whole pure grain oats and dried apples, poured in 1.5 liters of boiled chilled water, brought to a boil, left overnight and drank throughout the day.


The following universal recipe - with garlic, lemon and olive oil - treats not only the thyroid gland, but also reduces cholesterol in the blood, cleanses blood vessels and kidneys of toxins. Relatives from France sent it to me by e-mail and advertised it so much that I immediately prepared the drug.

I peeled 2 large heads of garlic, crushed them with a porcelain mortar (you can use a wooden one or use a regular garlic mortar), and poured 200 ml of olive oil into a glass jar. Mixed thoroughly and put in the refrigerator for 3 days. Add a few drops of lemon juice to 1 des.l of the mixture and take it 2-3 times a day before meals.

The course is about two weeks until the mixture runs out. It is advisable to take it once a quarter for a year, which is what I did.

-Feijoa fruits contain a lot of iodine, so they are useful for those who have problems with the thyroid gland. I mixed the fruits, ground in a meat grinder, with honey to taste and ate this “raw” jam.


This set of exercises is good for both prevention and treatment of the thyroid gland. It is advisable to perform it 1-2 times daily.

– First you need to warm up your neck muscles. As you inhale, place your palms on the back of your head, and as you exhale, gently press your chin to your chest. As you inhale, gently lift your chin up and stretch the back of your head towards your back.

– Place your right hand on your left temple, and as you exhale, gently tilt your head to the right so that your ear touches your shoulder. Do the same in the other direction.

– Press the back of your left palm to your right cheek and, as you exhale, smoothly turn your head to the left. The same thing - using the right hand in the opposite direction. If possible, do each exercise up to 12 times; for those who find it difficult, you can do less.


I read twice a day the magnificent spirit of academician Georgy Sytin, “Improving the thyroid gland.” “God pours young, energetic, cheerful, joyful life into my thyroid gland. Young joyful life has filled the thyroid gland, young life revives the young, God-created Divinely healthy structure of the thyroid gland.

God infuses holy Divine healing into the thyroid gland, which revives the God-created Divinely healthy structure of all structures of the thyroid gland. The entire thyroid gland is reborn as a young, eighteen-year-old, God-created Divinely healthy structure.

And the immune system with gigantic Divine energy dissolves all the nodes in the thyroid gland.

All the nodes in the thyroid gland have disappeared - they are melting, melting, decreasing, disappearing forever without a trace. All structures of the thyroid gland Divinely revive the God-created young, eighteen-year-old, healthy structure.

The thyroid gland revives, flourishes, and becomes physiologically stronger. The thyroid gland divinely correctly and energetically performs all its many functions in the body.

With the brightness of lightning I feel absolutely healthy, perfectly healthy, young, cheerful, beautiful, full of health and strength.”

FINALLY In total, it took me three years of treatment to achieve results. If at the beginning of the disease the node could be felt by hand, then a control ultrasound showed that the condition of the thyroid gland was close to normal.

Yuri KAZAK, Slonim

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Please tell me, maybe someone knows. Is it possible to go to the sauna with a bruise on your face and it won't get any bigger? And how quickly can you get rid of it. experts

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Antakova Lyubov Nikolaevna

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site

Kuzmin Ivan Ivanovich

Psychotherapist, Supervisor. Specialist from the site

Chekhova Marina Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Dautova Elena Sergeevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Volkova Irina Vladimirovna

Psychotherapist, Sexologist. Specialist from the site

Dyachenko Elena Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist in training. Specialist from the site

Volkov Roman Leonidovich

Psychologist, Psychoanalytic therapist. Specialist from the site

Prokofiev Dmitry Evgenievich

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Sokol Larisa Ivanovna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Nikulina Marina

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

The author buy badyagu at the pharmacy, and for 2 days apply a tampon with badyagu applied to it for 10-15 minutes on the bruise, as if by hand it will remove in the morning, I tested it on myself, when my husband was beaten, I did this to him. I have no idea about the sauna.

By the way, it will sting and burn sooooo much, but be patient, the effect is amazing!

The author buy badyagu at the pharmacy, and for 2 days apply a tampon with badyagu applied to it for 10-15 minutes on the bruise, as if by hand it will remove in the morning, I tested it on myself, when my husband was beaten, I did this to him. I have no idea about the sauna.

If you know boxers, then ask them for their magic remedies =) I got over it one winter. There was a black eye and my face was completely ruined. So my friend’s husband (a boxer) gave me ointment. And firstly, everything healed literally in 3 days instead of 2 weeks, and secondly, not a trace remained.

Was it checked on you or on your husband? Probably, someone gave it to you, according to Freud, a conclusion, but simply put, the first word is more valuable than the second.

Was it checked on you or on your husband? Probably, someone gave it to you, according to Freud, a conclusion, but simply put, the first word is more valuable than the second.

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Who cares who it’s tested on? Read and remember, it will come in handy in the future when you grow up. ))))))

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People try to go to the steam room regularly and that’s right. But this institution can bring not only positive aspects, but also negative ones. Many people are concerned about whether it is possible to go to the bathhouse with bruises or not. It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, because this is influenced by quite a lot of different factors, from physiological factors to the size of the bruise.

Otitis and its manifestations

Otitis is an inflammation of the ear, most often occurring during respiratory illnesses in which swelling of the Eustachian tube occurs. Because of this, fluid accumulates in the middle ear, which leads to the growth of pathogenic organisms in it. This disease can affect different parts of the ear cavity :

Each of these types of otitis is characterized by its own characteristics, the course of the disease and the appropriate treatment prescribed by the ENT specialist. But the following symptoms are common to them: ear pain, congestion, hearing loss .

Otitis is a very serious disease, but not in terms of treatment. Usually it responds very well to competent treatment by specialists. The disease is dangerous because of possible complications if it is not treated in a timely or incorrect manner.

It is important to know that otitis media is considered the most common cause of hearing loss.

Is it possible to use a sauna after an injury?

If we talk about injuries in general, a fracture is an injury that results in bone deformation. If there is an open wound, it is called open - in this case, muscle tissue, blood vessels, and skin are also significantly damaged. If there is no external damage, the fracture is called closed. If, during a fracture or damage to the ligaments and tendons, the limbs were in a cast, then the consequence of this will be atrophied muscles and poor blood circulation in the place of “immobilization”.

General recommendations

A visit to the sauna if you have injuries or any diseases of the musculoskeletal system should not be long. Since the bulk of the heat is consumed by the body in the first 10 minutes, this may be quite enough to affect the joints, muscles, tendons and bones. In addition, dousing with warm water and using salt baths may also be recommended as an element of recovery procedures.

In addition to its relaxing and soothing effect, along with its anti-edematous effect, salt baths also work great on various calluses and help cope with rough skin, improving its overall condition - it becomes smoother and more pleasant to the touch. You can also add aromatic oils to water to enhance the therapeutic effect or simply provide a pleasant aroma.

Not to treat, but to prevent

It should be noted that the recovery process largely depends on the initial state of the human ligamentous-muscular system. Everyone knows that children’s bones recover much faster, and the ligaments in children are much more elastic than in adults and especially the elderly, and, accordingly, rehabilitation is much faster.

But it’s not just about age, but also about the general condition of the body. Those who participate in sports, in particular, also have a shorter recovery period than those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Since the sauna helps to increase the elasticity of the ligaments and has a positive effect on joints and cartilage, as well as on metabolic processes in general, which play an important role in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, it is worth thinking about regularly visiting the steam room as a preventive effect in this regard, and not only “emergency”.

Published in the magazine “BANBAS” No. 4 (124) / 2019

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse with a hematoma?

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Thank you all in advance!

Yes, it’s elementary, Watson 100 bucks - and after 12 hours the hematoma (that’s how it would be called a “bruise” in scientific terms) was gone.

You need to apply a laser, and give 100 bucks to a cosmetic surgeon who will do it

I'm not a doctor, but I have enough experience to disagree. There was a bruise on the thigh (who knows where it stuck) and a large bruise just below the wrist (I learned to assemble a kayak alone), received a few days later. I didn’t apply anything to my thigh (and it doesn’t hurt or noticeably), but I applied a compress from a cotton pad with “Rescuer” balm to my arm. I repeated it half a day later with fresh balm. And in another half day. Then I just smeared it and rubbed it in (not intensely). The result is that there is still an “ink stain” on the thigh, although it has faded quite a bit. There have been no traces of even yellow on my hand for a long time.

But by destroying the hemoglobin in 3 cubes of the hematoma, we eliminate the bruise. and in 5 diters of bcc we don’t even notice this!

The idea of ​​a laser as a coagulation machine is fundamentally wrong.

As a matter of fact, lasers are used quite rarely for cauterization, even in surgery. Much more often in cosmetology, a laser beam is used to stimulate certain biochemical processes, the selectivity of which depends on the wavelength. As in the case of removing colored tattoos, for example.

The same is true for hematoma - the frequency and intensity of the beam is used, selected in such a way that it does not affect the skin, fiber and muscle tissue at all, but causes accelerated decay and oxidation of hemoglobin in the area of ​​the beam.

You can find out more in any serious cosmetology center, I still have a slightly different profile, although I use a laser every day to non-invasively destroy blood clots.

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