Sand-cement tiles: disadvantages, calculations, do-it-yourself installation
In recent years, soft bitumen shingles have become very popular in the construction of houses. This material has
Fireplaces made of soapstone or how to choose the ideal fireplace
This stone has many names. In Scandinavian countries this mineral is called firestone, in
Final finishing with paving slabs
Do-it-yourself blind area - step-by-step instructions and how to insulate
Today, the modern building materials market offers a huge number of types of geomembranes. They have differences
Photo 2
Organization of ventilation for a sauna in an apartment
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Russian bath
Which is better: a Russian bath, a Finnish sauna or a Turkish hammam?
Russian bathhouse Russian bathhouse culture has long-standing traditions, many of which are preserved to this day
How does a potbelly stove work?
The simplest and at the same time cheapest way to make a stove for a bath is
The hanger in the bath must be wooden
DIY carved wooden hanger
Selection of material In order for the manufactured structure to be durable and of high quality, the choice of material from which
Requirements for public baths
Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 2013 N 70 “On
Do-it-yourself frame bathhouse: step-by-step instructions for arrangement + tips for choosing materials
Requirements for buildings Requirements for location, construction of wooden baths were invented to make the building
Is it possible to go to the bathhouse with a runny nose?
Is it possible to go to the bathhouse with snot, with green snot
In what cases should you not go to the bathhouse or sauna if you are sick? For your information!