Bath therapy - benefits and contraindications for visiting a bath

How to use a bath to rejuvenate your skin

In the old days, the bathhouse was considered a place to expel “illness.” But even now many people prefer a bathhouse in Moscow, and with a fragrant broom.

Most microbes tend to die in a hot bath, even at a temperature of thirty degrees. Various diseases are treated with a bath. The human body is cleansed both outside and inside. The process of reproduction of unfavorable microflora affecting the human body is reduced.

In the bath, blood circulation improves, while the body is saturated with oxygen, which penetrates all cells of the human body. In the bath, all the pores of the human sweat glands open, and various accumulated toxins are removed from the body. The human body begins to function especially intensively and the body’s resistance to viruses increases. Human internal organs begin to function intensively and they are saturated with oxygen, which increases immunity, which is able to fight any virus. Since ancient times, the bathhouse has been considered a cure for many diseases. Although it was considered an unclean place because everything bad remained in it, the heat of the bath disinfected all the negativity and dirt left behind by a person.

Of course, people who are prone to hypertension, that is, who have high blood pressure, are prohibited from visiting bathhouses. Before visiting the bathhouse, they must take their blood pressure and take all measures to avoid unpleasant consequences. Any person with any illness, but not with a fever, can take a cool bath for a short time. When the temperature increases, it is better to limit visits to the bathhouse altogether.

The most popular bath broom is birch. Even in the old days it was said that a birch broom attracts health, luck and money. It’s not for nothing that in Rus' it was customary to collect birch brooms before the formation of cones. The best time to harvest brooms is from mid-June to the end of July, when the leaves have already formed, and before the birch has not yet bloomed. They were always dried under a canopy, where tied brooms hung and were blown with air.

Brooms made from linden, alder, oak, fir, and pine branches have been used since ancient times. Sprigs of cherry, wormwood, and nettle are added to the brooms; they give the broom a special aroma and impart healing properties. Oregano and mint herbs are also added. When steaming brooms with herb branches embedded in them in a bathhouse, they create an aura for the emotional improvement of a person. All these brooms carried their miraculous powers. And this power was to give bodily strength, to gain health.

The broom has always been considered a cleanser of bodily energy. When a person begins to steam while in a bathhouse, the entire body is cleansed and the person gets rid of negative energy. For some time, a person accumulates not only bodily dirt, but also energy dirt, which can cause trouble at home and at work. Energy dirt occurs when watching some TV shows, maybe a person heard some unpleasant news, or even just got upset because of some problems, all this must be removed immediately so as not to lead to stress in the body. So it turns out that the bathhouse is the best healer, it replaces a psychologist, psychiatrist, and many other doctors. Relieving the stress load on the body, which is one of the components of the immune system. To maintain and enhance immunity, you need to get rid of all negative causes that affect the human body. Immunity is the basis of the human body, this means that the body itself can fight harmful viruses that destroy human internal organs. A bathhouse always creates positive emotions. When a person is in a bathhouse, his body, which is always under tension, relaxes, and all the muscles that are in constant tone soften and give a positive charge to all human organs. And the human body begins to produce new, protective cells that act on foreign cells of the virus that has entered the person.

The bathhouse not only tones the human body, but of course rejuvenates the skin cells, the skin becomes elastic, soft, and after visiting the bathhouse, wrinkles on the face are smoothed out.

The bathhouse has a good and beneficial effect on children. Children definitely need a bath. Firstly, a child gets used to good and healthy things from childhood, and secondly, it is good for his health. All uninvited bacteria and microbes found on the child’s body are washed off in the bath, and the child gains vigor, joy and health from such an interesting adventure called a bath day.

The bathhouse acts on a person as a life-giving source of health, vigor, youth and beauty!

Choose a bathhouse in Moscow to suit your taste.

Contraindications to visiting the bathhouse

On the other hand, people who are relatively healthy, without acute illnesses, and without serious disorders should visit the steam room of the bathhouse:

  • cardiovascular system (hypertension, tendency to thrombosis and bleeding);
  • kidneys (urolithiasis, nephritis, tumors, water and electrolyte disorders);
  • liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis).

Contraindications also include:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • arthritis in the acute stage;
  • inflammation of the respiratory system (pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, tuberculosis);
  • skin lesions, namely: microbial and acute eczema, rashes of unknown origin, skin tuberculosis, subcutaneous hemorrhages (hemorrhages).

Asthmatics, pregnant women, and people after excessive consumption of alcohol (withdrawal syndrome) should refrain from taking a bath.

In what cases is it worth being treated in a bath?

These procedures can prevent developing problems associated with the heart and blood vessels in the early stages. Stimulating all processes in these areas of the body strengthens the overall system and overall health. Remember that it is always necessary to consult your doctor before any bath procedures, especially if there are serious problems with the blood vessels and heart apparatus.

Most often, a bathhouse or sauna is recommended for people with vegetative-vascular dystonia, heart problems without manifested angina. It can also be myocarditis and other diseases in which the prerequisites for the development of inflammatory processes are not observed. With myocardium, you can go to the bathhouse at the third stage, which develops 4 months after the onset of the disease.

Methods for treating bone diseases in the bath

If the bones do not heal properly, problems may arise with stopping the mobility of some joints. For example, such a painful condition is caused by fusion of fibrous or bone tissue. Ankylosis is directly related to other inflammatory diseases and chronic spondylitis or tuberculosis.

Also similar diseases include arthritis, which includes a list of various infectious problems with joints. It often originates from problems with proper nutrition of the joints. The patient may experience pain of varying severity, associated with swelling and redness on the surface of the body. Joint deformities are also often noticed in patients with arthritis. Depending on the number of joints affected, this may be mono- or polyarthritis.

Elderly people often have cases of arthrosis, which was acquired due to intoxication of the body. It can also be the result of an infection or injury when the joints were overloaded. The consequence may be abnormal changes in the joints of the bone surface.

Another similar problem can be myopathy, which spreads throughout the muscle tissue, depleting the resources of the muscles, which, due to such exposure, sharply weaken. These may be inherited problems, but myopathy can also be acquired.

Inflammatory processes in areas of the skeletal muscles are called myositis. This disease is similar to polio in terms of the nature of its spread and the pain it causes. The causes of the disease can be previous injuries and infections, which cause pain and weakness in the muscles. An unpleasant swelling of the soft tissues occurs, the skin becomes very red, coordination of movements may be impaired, and the muscles begin to thicken.

All of these diseases can be treated with bath procedures and, as practice shows, many people make progress in getting rid of polyarthritis and arthritis, inflammation of the joints and vertebrae, trying to get rid of arthrosis or myopathy. Baths are recommended for patients with osteoarthritis in the knees and hips.

It is impossible not to pay attention to the great experience that has been accumulated by generations of people practicing traditional methods of treatment. Many plants have been found and combined that have positive effects when used regularly. For example, all kinds of poultices, coupled with compresses and body rubbing procedures. The main emphasis is on the diseased areas of the body.

Rubbing with clay together with the use of special clay lotions also gives a good effect. In order to properly rub, you should use a linen towel, which is soaked in water with clay, to which several finely chopped garlic cloves were added. This solution should be rubbed on joints that are prone to pain. Don't forget to drink warm water with lemon juice.

Bath methods to combat radiculitis

Problems of the spinal nerves can have a direct detrimental effect on the entire peripheral nervous system. Pain can begin due to injuries received, possible intoxication and problems with metabolic functions.

Radiculitis should be divided into different types because it can mainly spread either along the neck or chest area, as well as in the shoulder and lower back areas. You can experience chronic or episodic acute pain, which is one of the most painful.

Patients with radiculitis are often recommended procedures involving the heat of a bath, when a good-quality birch broom is used. By the way, keep in mind that the broom can be diversified by the presence of young nettle leaves. Despite the burning sensation, it brings an excellent therapeutic effect, complementing the overall effect of a broom massage.

Already after leaving the bathhouse, it is worth treating the painful areas with finely grated radish, which will additionally warm up all the necessary organs. This method, by the way, takes its roots from ancient Russian bath recipes. It is best to wrap such a radish in several layers of thin cotton fabric to create a kind of compressor.

You can do the same with burdock, applying it to painful places. Be sure to do this with the bottom of the leaves, attaching them to the body with a wool cloth. Other compresses that can relieve pain and cure radiculitis are made from hay dust, which is boiled, tied in a homemade bag and applied in such a hot form to all diseased areas of the body.

Treatment of the digestive system in the bath

This type of disease is very common among the entire population. Most often, such disorders go along with problems of specific organs, which, among other things, can be damaged at the organic level.

Organs such as the liver, gall bladder, stomach and intestines, along with the biliary tract, deserve close attention. Therefore, since ancient times, a large number of effective recipes have remained to combat the corresponding diseases using bath procedures.

All organs of the digestive system are so intertwined that they can work as one organ in a complex. Accordingly, any violations associated with one specific organ affect all others.

In this case, we can recommend the use of a contrast approach, which consists of heat and cold treatment phases. This accelerates the blood supply to the relevant organs and, in principle, produces some redistribution of blood throughout the body.

It is worth understanding that the beneficial changes that will occur inside the body depend equally on both the correct application of the procedures and the very reactive abilities of each individual organism. Do not forget about ensuring the correct humidity of the air atmosphere, choosing the appropriate method and mode of treatment with water.

Try not to eat too much before going to the sauna. In this case, food will become an additional obstacle, which will take resources away from the work of the heart. The optimal solution would be to visit the bathhouse 2 hours after eating. It is also worth taking care of the volume of liquids consumed after bath procedures: drink juices and mineral water, as well as special drinks with herbs and berries. To accurately select the right drinks, contact the appropriate specialists.

When treating the liver, we must not forget how this organ loves warmth. In addition, in order to remove all unnecessary toxins from which the liver may suffer, you can turn to traditional methods that recommend short periods of fasting to cleanse the entire body.

A clean liver will promote restoration processes in all other organs, including even memory abilities, restoring former visual acuity and restoring sexual function. You can properly clean the liver in a bathhouse, using a steam room, where you can sweat very well.

When cleansing the liver in the steam room, try applying milk serum to which honey and fish oil have been added to the surface of the skin. Keep this mixture on your skin for about 20 minutes, then remove it in a warm shower. You definitely shouldn’t drink cold water in a steam room - it will only reduce the amount of sweating.

Bath procedures are recommended for people with various gastrointestinal disorders: from stomach ulcers to benign diseases. Remember that the most important condition for spending time in a bathhouse or sauna is control over your condition.

Try to protect your health using old methods proven by generations that are guaranteed to help you feel better. The bathhouse is recommended for all healthy people in order to prevent possible diseases and simply to maintain a healthy emotional and mental tone.

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